Vehicle Registration Renewal

In AK, you can renew your signup online, in person, or via mail. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. It’s up to you to choose the most convenient one.

Method 1: Online

For online updates, residents get up to a 5% discount. All you need is to have these papers ready and scanned:
  • Control Number (as shown on the reminder)
  • License Plate Number
  • Identification Number/ VIN (last six characters only)
You can pay your renewal fees with a credit card from MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover.

Method 2: Mail the papers

Mail the form you received from the headquarters, along with a check for either a one-year or two-year credential, to the local MVD.
Pay and sent the cheques to the local seat. The office doesn’t accept cash or credit card.

Method 3: In-person

Bring your current certificate to the local branch along with proof of identity and driver’s ID. The local office accepts cash or checks as payment.

Late Registration Renewal

The overall processes should be done at least one month before the due date. If you haven’t managed to undergo the process on time, you need to pay a $10 penalty. It must be done separately from the general cost.
If you don’t manage to update your papers within 31 days, you must pay a penalty equal to 75% of the signup amount. This price is applied to the overall cost.
Whenever you undergo the renewal online, you will receive a 5% discount. However, due to existing contractual requirements with our credit card partner, MVD is required to charge a $1.55 fee.